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HighPrep PCR

Magnetic bead-based reagent for manual and automated post-PCR and post-enzymatic reaction cleanup, NGS library cleanup, and reliable DNA size selection.

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HighPrep Viral DNA & RNA Kit

Magnetic bead based kit optimized for extraction of RNA from a variety of viral samples - Swabs, whole blood, serum, plasma, saliva & other body fluids.

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Magnetic bead-based reagent used for elimination of DNA fragments <10 kb. It is used for size selection & purification of high molecular weight DNA in long-read sequencing

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HighPrep RNA Elite

Magnetic beads based reagent for manual and automated clean-up or concentration of RNA and single-stranded cDNA after enzymatic reactions or prior sequencing.

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SFD-10HT Launch depletion of DNA fragments below 10 kb

. Oct 10, 2024

MagBio Launches SFD-10HT (Short Fragment Depletor - 10 High Throughput) l Bead-based Reagent That Progressively Depletes DNA Fragments <10 kb

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HighPrep Total RNA Isolation Kit - iSWAB™

Magnetics bead-based kit designed to extract high-quality RNA from samples collected using the MAWI iSWAB V2 Collection Kit (ISWAB-RNA-v2)

Grouped product items
Cat.# Product Name Price Qty
ISTOR-R50 HighPrep Total RNA Isolation Kit - iSWAB™ (50 Preps)
ISTOR-R100 HighPrep Total RNA Isolation Kit - iSWAB™ (100 Preps)
ISTOR-R100x4 HighPrep Total RNA Isolation Kit - iSWAB™ (400 Preps)

Total RNA isolation for:

  • RT-qPCR
  • RT-PCR
  • RNA sequencing
  • cDNA synthesis
  • Gene expression analysis


  • Protocol & Components optimized to work with the iSWAB V2 Collection Kit.
  • High yield and quality total RNA purification
  • Adaptable to various automated liquid handling workstations
  • No toxic organic solvents

The HighPrep Total RNA Isolation Kit - iSWAB™ is a paramagnetic bead-based system optimized for efficient purification of high-quality total RNA from samples collected using the MAWI iSWAB V2 Collection Kit (ISWAB-RNA-v2) for numerous high-performance RNA downstream applications such as RT-PCR, microarrays, cDNA synthesis. As a paramagnetic bead-based system, the HighPrep Total RNA Isolation Kit - iSWAB™ can be used in a high-throughput format, hence adaptable to numerous commercially available workstations.

This is a short overview of the protocol, for all detailed protocols, please refer to PRODUCT DOCUMENTS
    1. Trasnfer 600uL of samples from the iSWAB-RNA-v2 Tubt to a DNase/RNase free Eppendorf tube.
    2. Centrifuge cells at 5000 x g for 10 mins and remove supernatant.
    3. Add 500uL LB Buffer to cells and incubate at RT Centrifuge sample at 10,000 x g for 10mins.
    4. Add CE Buffer to the lysate in a 1:1 ratio.

Add 10uL MAG-R4 Particles to each sample. Pipette mix and incubate at RT for 10mins.

  1. Wash steps using RW1 and RB2 Buffer. 
  2. DNA Digestion using DNAase I and DNAse I Digestion Buffer
  3. Elution using RNA Elution Buffer
Main functions Isolation of total RNA from buccal cells collected and stabilized in iSWAB™ V2 TUBE (MAWI DNA Technologies)
Starting material (Sample matrix) Buccal samples
Sample amount (Input) 600 µl of buccal swab solution
Process method Manual or automation
Instrument Adaptable to most nucleic acid purification instruments but a ready-made script for Kingfisher Flex is available upon request
Purification method Magnetic bead-based technology
RNA Purity RNA suitable for RNA-Seq, RTPCR, microarray, hybridization, next generation sequencing
OD260/A280 ratio of 1.8-2.0 OD260/230 ratio of 1.7-2.0
Elution Volume 30-50 µl

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